Círculo In Love – 4 hanks in the color 5745 (Eucaliptus).
7.0 mm Círculo knitting needles
7.0 mm Círculo circular knitting needles– 60 cm cable.
Size: M
Level of difficulty

Stitches used
2x2 rib: k2, p2, k2. Stockinette: k on the right side, p on the wrong side. Stitch pattern: 1st row: p2, k1b (insert the right needle into the loop right below the first st on the left needle and k), p3, k1b, p2. 2nd and all even rows: p all sts. 3rd row: repeat 1st row.
Gauge– 10 x 10 cm square in established st pattern following the instructions, with 7.0 mm needles = 16 sts x 26 rows.
Execution– Back - cast-on 68 sts on 7.0 mm needles and work in 2x2 rib. At 4 cm from the beginning of the work, increase 1 stitch and work in the established stitch pattern, following the written instructions. Bind-off all sts when the piece measures 36 cm from the cast-on edge.
Front - work like the back until the panel measures 30 cm. Bind-off the 15 center stitches to start shaping the neckline and work on each side separately. Bind-off every 2 rows, on the neckline edge only, 4 sts, then 3 sts, 2 sts and 1 st. Bind-off all remaining sts when the piece measures 36 cm.
Sleeves - knit the sleeves directly from the body. Seam the shoulders. With 7.0 mm needles, pick up 22 sts on each side of the shoulder seam (44 sts in total) and knit in the established st pattern, following the instructions. Decrease 1 st on each side of the row every 10 rows, 5 times in total. At 24 cm from the beginning of the work, work in 2x2 rib for 4 cm then bind-off all sts.
Make a second sleeve the same way.
Finishing– with the circular needle, pick up 68 sts around the neckline, with the right side of the work facing out, and work in 2x2 rib. Bind-off all stitches when the ribbing measures 2.5 cm. Seam the sides of the body and sleeves.
Designer: Marcos Filho
Disclaimer: Measurements are approximate due to differences between centimeters and inches, needle sizes, and tension.
All care has been taken to allow accurate completion of the pattern.
All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of our patterns; the occasional error is inevitable though.
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