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Celebrate with the Star of Bossa Nova - our 100% Super-wash Merino yarn - worsted hand dye

Pattern Sizes


Some patterns include multiple sizes, but if you find a pattern here showing only one size and need it in another, please let us know at

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Our definitive Spring and Summer Yarns Guide

16 amazing yarns with all information you need to know + pattern inspirations

Celebrate with the Star of Bossa Nova - our 100% Super-wash Merino yarn - worsted hand dye

All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of our patterns; the occasional error is inevitable though.

We apologize for any inconvenience. Please if you find any error or have any question about patterns send us an email to our Pattern Support.

Tips and Tricks
Knitting Cables

Tips and Tricks
24 days of Tip and Tricks!

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